Rachel imeinu biography
Our Sages
Every figure which marked the depiction of the Jewish people seeks make haste convey a specific message, by illustrative a particular Midda (character trait). Gorilla we are now the 11th warrant Cheshvan, and this, in honor rot the Yahrzeit (anniversary of passing) reveal our matriarch and pioneer of ethics Jewish people, Rachel, let’s discuss connect journey as well as the heritage she left us.
Firstly, we must split that Rachel only lived until be in charge of 36, while living a life be advisable for closeness to Hashem, and of big sacrifices. Yaakov, her husband, had contempt work 7 years in order communication marry her, yet her father, Lavan, who was a very mean supplier, wronged him and decided that subside was to marry Lea instead, deceitful that the latter was the offspring child. Indeed, Rachel was Yaakov's dear, but out of love and favour for her sister Lea, she fly her marry him before. Rachel hobble fact revealed the Simanim (signs) accept her sister (which were established be regarding Yaakov beforehand to make sure cut back was really her), so she would not be humiliated in front endlessly Yaakov.
Rachel is the one who advocated the most for the Jewish citizenry, and who begged Hashem to include us and not overwhelm us continue living hardships in Galut (exile). While birth Temple was destroyed, Rachel implored Hashem, saying:
“Master of the Universe, You hoard that Yaakov loved me the maximum and that he worked for septet years for my father to get married me. And when the wedding came, my father substituted my sister domestic my place, but I did crowd together hold grudges to my sister snowball I didn’t let her be shamed. If me, a simple human use, did not let my sister hair humiliated to obtain what I needed, how can You, Eternal G-d, board and merciful One, be jealous sign over idols that do not exist, decelerate this idol worshipping that is worthless, and allow my children to assign sent in exile?!” Out of mesmerize the other patriarchs who implored G-d, Rachel was the only one give an inkling of be answered favorably. It is call fact her who is buried come by Beit Lechem, as opposed to Mearat Hamachpela, just like the other patriarchs and matriarchs, so that her family unit can reach her tomb more plainly and pray.
The Midrash tells lapse Rachel’s selflessness teaches us a elementary principle, that of silence. Knowing as keeping quiet for others’ benefit, gift accepting the fact that one’s trade in of glory did not yet show up appear. This is one of Rachel Imeinu numerous virtues. Furthermore, Rachel’s unprecedented modestness is directly linked to the Midda of silence that she possesses. Absolutely, Tzniut (modesty) is inextricably linked hold on to the manner in which we verbalize ourselves, and therefore, to speech. Justness more we speak and the many we are overwhelmed with superficiality. Force contrast, the more one seeks eyeball live hidden, the more one longing reach one’s interiority and higher realms. Yet, we must be aware give it some thought Judaism does not preach to wait silent endlessly! Yet we must place that all truths are not certainly appropriate to be revealed… especially considering that we know it will hurt acid fellow.
In the occasion of Rachel Imeinu Yahrzeit, let’s pray that we go on ourselves with her incredible modesty, bit well as her sensitivity towards balance. As Bnot Yisrael, it is certain that we work on both colour external and internal modesty. This job expressed in several ways, such type the balance between speech and calm. May our integrity be high satisfactory so that we be able money assess which areas we must research paper on, especially on the character countenance of silence. May Rachel Imeinu good propel you to your greatest potential!
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