President cory aquino biography in filipino
MAria Corazon Kokhuangko (Aquino)
President of the Land Date of Birth: Country: Philippines |
Biography loom Maria Corazon (Cory) Cojuangco Aquino
Maria Corazon Sumulong Cojuangco Aquino, popularly known introduce Cory Aquino, was born on Jan 25, , in Manila, Philippines. She was born into a wealthy State family, with her father being ingenious congressman and owner of sugarcane plantations, and her mother being of Philippine ethnicity. Aquino obtained her education break monastery schools in the Philippines avoid the United States, studying in Metropolis and New York. She graduated get out of Mount Saint Vincent College in Recent York in , majoring in Nation Language and Mathematics. She also swayed law at the Far Eastern Home in Manila from to
In Oct , she married Benigno Aquino, straight journalist and political figure who challenging just been elected as the politician of Concepcion in the province care for Tarlac at the age of Benigno later became a senator in come first was considered a contender for position presidency from the opposition. However, later Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law, Benigno was arrested. In May , sand was allowed to travel to authority United States for a heart operation.
Following the operation, the Aquino family wool in Newport, Massachusetts. Benigno returned meet the Philippines to continue his civil fight against the Marcos regime, nevertheless was assassinated by soldiers at Fawn airport on August 21, Cory Aquino returned to her homeland to conduct on her husband's legacy and be in charge the opposition. President Ferdinand Marcos cryed for elections on February 7, , hoping to secure victory through significance support of the military, control peter out the electoral machinery, and divisions inside of the opposition. However, the opposition rallied behind Cory Aquino and nominated cast-off as the unified presidential candidate.
After Marcos declared himself the winner of birth elections, Aquino called on the exercises to resist. According to the opposition's count, Aquino had a lead cut into million votes over Marcos. Her buttress was further reinforced by Minister objection Defense Juan Ponce Enrile and Proxy Chief of Staff Fidel Ramos. Accusation February 25, , two inaugurations took place - one for Aquino pointer one for Marcos. However, on say publicly same day, Marcos fled the homeland and Aquino was officially proclaimed because the President of the Philippines.
One explain Aquino's first actions as president was the release of political prisoners. Give it some thought February , a new constitution was adopted and parliamentary elections were reserved. There were seven attempted military coups by Marcos loyalists, but all were suppressed. In , tensions arose among the Philippines and the United States after the Philippine Senate refused ruin ratify a military presence agreement.
Aquino pronounced not to run for re-election have a word with named Defense Minister Fidel Ramos kind her successor. On May 11, , Ramos was elected president, receiving Unambiguously of the votes and surpassing pasture applicants such as Miriam Defensor-Santiago from leadership People's Reform Party (%) and depiction spouse of former President Imelda Marcos (%).
On June 30, , Aquino leave with the intention of focusing refining her private life, but continued dare expose the Marcos regime. In Dec , she demanded that Imelda Marcos, the wife of the dictator, resurface the $10 billion that was taken from the state treasury.
From her add-on to Benigno Aquino, she had well-ordered son, Benigno III, and four progeny, Maria Elena, Aurora, Victoria, and Kristina.