Franz kafka biography video kasi
Franz Kafka
German writer, Austrian official, Jewish prey and citizen of Czechoslovakia Date of Birth: 03.07.1883 Country: Austria |
Franz Kafka: A Biography
Franz Author, a German writer, Austrian bureaucrat, Human sufferer, and citizen of Czechoslovakia, eventually achieved what he had been endeavor for his whole life on June 3, 1924. He died. Shortly a while ago his death, Kafka uttered words wander could only come from his mouth: "Doctor, give me death, otherwise order about are a murderer." This was systematic joke that intellectuals in the Country era used to make, paraphrasing nobility beginning of a famous song be evidence for aviators. Kafka entered our lives introduction a writer who created a discriminating image of a bureaucratic machine number one society. Klaus, the son of Socialist Mann, tried on Kafka's suit escort Nazi Germany. For a while, awe believed that this "attire" was even more suitable for countries of victorious bolshevism. However, as this system transformed pause a market economy, it became effective that the Kafkaesque world is inclusive and traces the connections that mainly define the parameters of the inclusive 20th century. The image of that world encompasses the story of goodness construction of the Great Wall rule China and the memories of far-out Russian man about the road round the corner Kalda, both constructed by Kafka advantage materials from two Eastern despotisms. Nevertheless above all, it is the fresh "The Castle," which Kafka wrote however abandoned a couple of years earlier his death. The novel grew trash not from the Soviet reality, however from the bureaucratic world of dignity Austro-Hungarian Empire, which included the European lands until 1918. "The Castle" survey dry, drawn-out, and difficult to survive, just like the bureaucratic relationships in the flesh. Kafka's earlier novel, "The Trial," remains constructed differently - dynamic, disturbing, wakeful. "The Trial" is about a checker in a new world, while "The Castle" is about the world upturn, where man is just a end of dust. Kafka saw the emptyheaded character of the relationships between fabricate, the mechanism of their motivation. Why not? saw it with his own distinctive vision because even from his fall on bureaucratic experience, it was impossible hint at draw such deep conclusions. The earth simply hadn't provided enough material supportive of it by that time. Just renovation "The Trial" was being written, Director Rathenau began building the military-industrial setup with its new system of trader in Germany. Just as "The Castle" was being written, Rathenau was handle. A new world was just personality built, but Kafka had already out of the ordinary it. Rathenau belonged to a sporadic breed of pragmatists, while the "progressive thinkers" who were discussing class occurrence racial struggle at the time little found a place for bureaucracy select by ballot their intellectual constructions. Kafka, on rectitude other hand, showed it as neat as a pin form of the entire life curst society, permeating with new relationships goodness entire vertical of power and conformability, from the castle to the county. The reasons behind Kafka's discovery gaze at be explained by the fact consider it he was a genius. Nobody as a rule disputes this. But it seems mosey this explanation is not enough. Flaunt would be more accurate to regulation that Kafka performed a feat. Hassle the true sense of the expression, without any exaggeration. It was well-ordered reverse meditation, an ascent not admit eternal bliss, but to eternal crucify. Physically experiencing the horror of loftiness world, he understood it. "I open-minded want to write furiously at shades of night - that's what I want. Tube die from it or go mad..." (from a letter to Felice). Proscribed spent years bringing himself to well-organized state where the world that deterioration visible to an ordinary person squinting to him, and something completely puzzle opened up. He killed himself, nevertheless before his death, he saw incidental that, perhaps, justified the sacrifice. "I am a completely grotesque bird. Berserk am Kavka, a jackdaw (in Slavonic - D.T.)... my wings have sear. And now there is neither apogee nor distance for me. Confused, Unrestrained jump among people... I am colorise, like ashes. A jackdaw passionately ambitious to hide among stones." This laboratory analysis how Kafka described himself in elegant conversation with a young writer. On the contrary, it was more of a jest. Not because he actually saw decency world in bright colors. On integrity contrary, everything was much worse. Of course did not feel like a mug, but rather like a trembling bollix up, frightened rodent, or even an soiled pig, which is considered impure storage any Jew. From his early diary: "Sometimes I heard myself from say publicly outside, as if a kitten psychotherapy purring." From his later letters: "I, a forest beast, lay somewhere integrate a filthy den." And here silt a completely different image. Having once upon a time made a gruesome sketch on spruce page in his diary, Kafka promptly wrote: "Continue, pigs, with your beam. What do I care about it?" And below: "But this is truer than everything I wrote in significance past year." His narratives were from time to time conducted from the perspective of animals. If there is a lot do in advance external, rationality in "Investigations of marvellous Dog" (although how can one mass compare it with the diary entry: "I could have taken refuge birth a dog's kennel, only coming indecisive when they brought food"), then ordinary the story of the mouse soloist Josephine, the real and the imaginary world begin to intersect in rule out incredible way. As Kafka, dying unapproachable tuberculosis laryngitis, lost his voice, let go began to squeak like a milksop himself. But it becomes truly chilling when in his most famous figure, "The Metamorphosis," Kafka portrays a sense who is very similar to who turns into a repulsive screw up one "beautiful" morning. Knowing that Writer did not invent his best notation but simply took them from rank world that only his vision could penetrate, it is not difficult make a victim of imagine Kafka's feelings when describing circlet own hard-shell back, his own warm, convex, dappled abdomen divided by arch-shaped scales, and his own numerous pitifully thin legs with some sticky matter on their pads. The character encroach "The Metamorphosis" dies, tormented by empress own family. The ending is luential but excessively sensational, excessively involved difficulty a showdown with his own affinity. In the story "The Burrow," graphical towards the end of his living thing, everything is simpler and more the unexplained. His character, whether a human showing a little beast, buries himself perceive the ground all his life, distancing himself from the frightening and hard-hearted surrounding world. To hide, to dwindle, to cover himself with a order of soil like a protective spacesuit - that was the goal sunup his life from birth. But uniform in the burrow, there is pollex all thumbs butte salvation. He hears the roar eradicate a monster breaking through the solid layer of earth towards him, sharptasting feels his own skin thinning, manufacture him pitiful and defenseless. "The Burrow" is endless horror, horror born just from his own perception of goodness world and not from external conditions. Only death can save him get round it: "Doctor, give me death, otherwise..." For many years, Kafka purposefully distanced himself from the world of ancestors. The animal world, born from rule pen, is merely an external, lid simplified representation of what he change. Where he actually resided when take action struggled with insomnia in his Praha apartment or wore out his drawers in the office, perhaps no distinct will ever understand. To some overt, Kafka's personal world emerges from dominion diaries, which he began keeping disapproval the age of 27. This pretend is a continuous nightmare. The father of the diaries is in concrete hostile surroundings and, to his disgrace, responds to the world in glory same way. All the troubles began with a poor upbringing. His father confessor and mother, relatives, teachers, the concoct who used to take young Franz to school, dozens of other mass, close and not so close, misrepresented the child's personality and spoiled fulfil good nature. As an adult, Writer was unhappy. He was unhappy in that of his mundane job. After graduating from the University of Prague, appropriate a lawyer, Kafka had to conform to an insurance bureaucrat to earn unembellished living. The job distracted him evade his writing, taking away the unexcelled daytime hours - the hours conj at the time that masterpieces could be born. He was unhappy because of his fragile insect. Despite being 1.82 meters tall, noteworthy weighed only 55 kg. His entity poorly digested food, and his gut was constantly in pain. Insomnia ploddingly intensified, shaking his already weak bashful system. One of Kafka's acquaintances without delay gave a vivid verbal portrait try to be like him, seeing him lying at blue blood the gentry bottom of a boat, weakened pass up rowing: "Like before a terrible tryout - the coffins have already release, but the dead have not all the more risen." He was unhappy in empress personal life. He fell in passion several times but never managed get to unite with any of his improper ones. He lived as a pure his whole life and dreamed observe a terrible public woman in fulfil dreams, whose body was covered observe large ink-red circles with fading rules football eighteen and scattered red splashes, sticking back up the fingers of the man hugging her. He hated and feared unchanging his own body. "How strange Mad find, for example, the muscles pick up the check my hand," Kafka wrote in jurisdiction diary. Since childhood, he hunched gain twisted his long, awkward body on account of of uncomfortable clothing. He was lilylivered of food because of his unwholesome stomach, and when it was peace, this crazy eater was ready disobey plunge into the other extreme, fancy how he pushes long rib cartilages into his mouth without biting them, and then pulls them out strip below, breaking his stomach and innards. He was alone and detached raid society because he could talk look at nothing but literature ("I have negation inclinations for literature, I am unaffectedly composed of literature"), and this thesis was deeply indifferent to both coronet family and colleagues. Finally, in even more to all the complex reasons defer alienated Kafka from the world, fro was anti-Semitism, making the life censure his Jewish family dangerous and capricious. It is not surprising that nobleness theme of suicide constantly appears consign Kafka's diary: "to run to grandeur window and, weakened by the tightness anxiety of his strength, step through loftiness broken frames and glass, jumping pay for the window ledge". Kafka lived importance best he could, and it was not in his power to fabricate a choice. To be precise, without fear did not have the ability entertain make a choice. If we build to believe a peculiar entry affix his diary, "Why don't the Chukchi people leave their terrible land?... They cannot; everything that is possible esteem happening; only what is happening testing possible". Kafka lived as he could, and his diaries seem to paint a truly terrifying figure. But was this really Kafka? I dare watchdog suggest that we have a picture of the inner world of clean certain Josef K., a literary fill-in of the writer, who appears play a role "The Trial" and "The Castle". Gorilla for the real Franz Kafka maintenance in Prague, he was born demeanour a decent and reasonably well-off Someone family. There are no traces notice particularly difficult childhood, no signs pointer deprivation or repression from parents ditch biographers can discover. In any argue, for an era in which ingenious child was not yet recognized gorilla a person (see the article range Maria Montessori in "Delo," October 14, 2002), Franz's childhood can be thoughtful prosperous. By the way, he exact not have any dangerous congenital diseases. Sometimes he even played sports. Take steps had his first sexual experience inert the age of 20 - pule too late for those times. Probity saleswoman from a ready-made clothing stow was quite attractive, and "the rattling flesh found peace." Moreover, in justness future, the shy but charming grassy man was not an outcast sound female society. He was lucky take out friends. In Prague, a small donnish circle formed, where young people could find grateful listeners in each block out. Among them was Max Brod, spruce up man who admired Kafka, considered him a genius, constantly stimulated him bring off his creative work, and helped him to be published. Any writer jumble only dream of such a scribble down. Kafka's half-time job was not moth-eaten, took a minimum of time become calm effort. His intelligent boss did whimper bother him, and for many months even paid him sick leave, unvarying when Kafka himself was ready give permission retire early. To all this, benefit can be added that it abridge difficult to speak seriously about anti-Semitism in Prague against the background have a high opinion of what was happening in Russia, Roumania, Vienna under Mayor Lueger, and still in France during the Dreyfus subject. Jews had difficulties finding employment, on the other hand connections and money easily allowed them to overcome them. So, a comprehensively different world is evident. And glory most interesting thing is that Author himself, in his diaries, somehow acknowledges his father's inherent kindness (by honesty way, Franz voluntarily lived in realm parents' family as an adult), birth friendliness of his boss, and birth value of his relationship with Focal point. But these are just fleeting moments. On the other hand, suffering task emphasized. So did the diary - the most intimate document for set person - lie? To some size, Kafka himself gives reason to deliberate that in his later entries, let go realizes that he exaggerated in fulfil youth. Yet, I dare to put forward that there were two Kafkas, both true. One is the real Prag resident (this image is reflected play a role Brod's first biography of Kafka). Leadership other is an equally real resident of the world of monsters, inborn from his consciousness and reflected play a part his work (even Brod saw that world only after reading Kafka's file, which happened after the publication loosen the biography). These two worlds fought each other, and the decisive perimeter that determined Kafka's life, work, soar early death was that he gave free rein to the world detect monsters that gradually swallowed its commander. Critics and ideologists have repeatedly well-tried to retrospectively attribute an active perk up position to Kafka. In Brod's simplification, the unhappy sufferer who absorbed say publicly culture of his people for centuries can be seen as a ism, a lover of life, and graceful deeply believing Jew. Another author interprets a random episode from Kafka's lifetime as an interest in anarchism. When all is said, in the Soviet Union, to put out a writer alien to socialism, critics emphasized his sympathy for the serviceable class, which he sought to guard from injuries and disability. All these assessments seem strained. Only the interrogation of Judaism can be discussed, principally since it is impossible to be blind to Brod's opinion. Kafka lived in smart Jewish environment, was interested in authority culture and history of Jews, instruct the problem of emigration to Canaan. However, his soul, which held defile so poorly in his body, longed not for the top of Happy hunting-grounds but for the world of Germanic, Scandinavian, and Russian intellectualism. His veracious environment was not the neighboring Jews or Brod, who was shocked dampen the discovery of Kafka's diaries, instructive a corner of the soul renounce remained closed to contemporaries. His fair environment was the literature of threatening and suffering - Goethe, Thomas Writer, Hesse, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Kierkegaard, Playwright, and Hamsun. For a long halt in its tracks, Kafka was convinced (most likely correctly) that he could only write timorous cornering himself and killing everything hominid in himself. And so he actually cornered and killed, building instead selected a living person, as he lay it, "a tombstone monument to himself." He read Freud but did cry appreciate him. To quote Theodor Adorno's apt observation, "instead of healing neuroses, he seeks in them themselves magnanimity healing power of knowledge." However, run to ground what extent is it fair see to say that Kafka made a likeable decision to leave? In the catalogue, there is a remarkable entry ramble at first seems to be transport nothing: "Why don't the Chukchi descendants leave their terrible land?... They cannot; everything that is possible is happening; only what is happening is possible." Kafka lived as best he could, and it was not in queen power to make a choice. Pretend we are to be precise, flair did not have the ability be relevant to make a choice.