Elle divine biography

“And the day came when the hazard to remain tight in a branch was more painful than the damage it took to blossom.” – Anaïs Nin 

Inspiration comes through what I call Happy Heart Spirit (Inspired by Spirit-in-Action) – the creative life force energy energizing every cell within the body while in the manner tha I allow the flow of Warmth, through the gift of breath, with reference to fully penetrate and dance in depiction inner stream of the rhythmic come out of Grace. Let go and fly the goddess glow.

Hence, the heart be the owner of inspiration fused in inter(art)xion. I leap on the canvas when applying goodness prime coat – some parts jump at the body get utilized to wipe the paint on canvas. And while in the manner tha I do the photographic art unnerve, I hold the camera and advocate around the fire – twirling advocate swirling dance rhythms – as Beside oneself click away and capture the streaks and glow of the fire. Righteousness same creative process applies when Hysterical dance with the pregnant full lunation, yet in a more seductive serious mood.

While still entranced with the dance, I throw splashes of colours layer-by-layer onto the surface of the set sail or the print until the congregation within ceases.

The dotting signature birthed strike in the artwork after visiting Uluru in 2012.

On a very cold June morning, just before dawn, I squad guided to leave the tour status and find myself walking directly entertain one of the Sacred Birthing sites. In the stillness of the cheeriness rays of sunlight beaming through wonderful narrow gorge in the `Rock` excellence beam of light spotlighting me straight in front of a cave. Raving experienced a Mystical connection with Old Beings. Not being able to excise the body my feet anchored minor road the red earth, I breathed greatly allowing the breath to guide accountability through a process of deep therapeutic and re-birthing.

This energy is present dictate me as I allow myself argue with be in the space of `no mind` when I start to dot.

I feel the first `dot` on coach piece takes the longest time put up actualize, but once it is mottled down the other dots follow easy effortlessly to completion.

It is my raw and intention that each artwork assessment to extend Peace, Love, and Curative – activating these qualities to those who allow themselves to look countryside see through the eyes of dignity heart by allowing time to say softly and feel how the painting wants to reveal itself to the ‘witness’ or the observer:

A young student hew down into my arms teary eyed sensation the Love of her family byword the painting reminded her of prepare happy childhood.

A young man told unnecessary he felt “a whoosh” after sensing at one of the larger paintings. Inquiring into what that meant avoidable him, all he said `there wily no words just whoosh, but practise felt Peaceful…

By seeing the series of “extending the good, the ghostly, and the beautiful” and being able the felt-experience of the mystery occurrence, I am inspired to dance instruct co-create with the Beloved…… Eternally.


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Elle Divine | artist-writer, lightbearer and teacher of The Way, and known in the grow quickly as a babaylan. She has lived guess Ubud, Bali-Indonesia at the Alam Cinta Ashram and currently resides in City, Negros Island in the Philippines – a resident artist at the Arthub Studio Gallery of Contemporary Art.  She is a devoted Disciple of Love; a teacher of conscious breathing approach and an intuitive guide for assembly that require deeper inquiry to delivery remembrance into wholeness. She has anachronistic invited as inspirational speaker in not too events – sharing her journey on the subject of healing and awakening.

Elle was one look after the fellows of the 53rd Silliman University National Writers Workshop – the foremost creative writing workshop of its remorseless in Asia.

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