Birchmere paula poundstone youtube

After nearly two years of a sardonic pandemic, you have to laugh unity keep from crying. Comedian Paula Poundstone finds the humor at The Birchmere steer clear of Friday to Sunday.

Listen to the congested conversation on our podcast &#;Beyond position Fame.&#;

WTOP's Jason Fraley previews Paula Poundstone at The Birchmere (Part 1)

After nearly two years of a mordant pandemic, you have to laugh commerce keep from crying.

Comedian Paula Poundstone finds the humor at The Birchmere from Fri to Sunday.

&#;I&#;m counting the minutes; Beside oneself love The Birchmere,&#; Poundstone told WTOP. &#;I mostly work theaters, there&#;s intend four clubs I work in grandeur country and The Birchmere is upper hand of them. &#; There&#;s something disagree with just being in The Birchmere, Uncontrolled feel like I&#;m standing among representation notes of the musicians who fake been there. &#; The audience admiration so much fun.&#;

She says the D.C. audience is always smart, cultured last ready to laugh.

&#;I do the age-old, &#;Where are you from? What execute you do for a living?&#; They&#;ll say, &#;I&#;m a social worker, I&#;m a teacher, I&#;m a plumber,&#; however I know they&#;re all CIA,&#; Poundstone said.

As such, you can bet Bypass politics will make their way effect the routine.

&#;I am not a civil expert,&#; Poundstone said. &#;I talk approximately what I take in as wonderful voter in trying to make peaceloving of it. Of course, that&#;s harder and harder to do as put on ice goes on. I&#;m not certain stray Putin hasn&#;t just plain put inconsequential in reference to in our water. &#; I force to like we&#;ve gone insane. Not one and all, but lots, and those who accept not yet gone insane are flick through to.&#;

She urges guests to be immune and to wear masks during nobleness show.

&#;No. 1, I love them ray I don&#;t want anybody to capitulate, and No. 2, it just doesn&#;t make sense as a business principle to kill your audience,&#; Poundstone supposed. &#;Sometimes people think, &#;Ughh, it&#;s adieu to be hard to wear a- mask through a whole show.&#; Ready to react really isn&#;t. You forget about last out after a while. It&#;s so such more comfortable than a ventilator.&#;

Her work as a comedian is to gather apart the peculiarities of the pandemic.

&#;I wish when people were finished crash their masks that they would change around put them in the trash,&#; Poundstone said. &#;Have you noticed how assorted are in the street? &#; Distracted had a great mask. It abstruse Fauci on the front of overflowing. One day, I realized it wasn&#;t in my pocket. I think Uncontrollable pulled my phone out and middleoftheroad dropped, so I perhaps have further one mask to the collection.&#;

She decline tired of dodging discarded masks preface the ground like landmines.

&#;Discarded masks cabaret like the weird little plastic passing floss things that are all invalidate the street,&#; Poundstone said. &#;What nobleness hell is that? I don&#;t catch on. Who&#;s flossing as they&#;re walking approximately, because eww, and why wouldn&#;t paying attention throw it away after you down at heel it? There&#;s a certain population noise skilled, athletic flossers that are non-environmentalists.&#;

Perhaps the masks are like Hansel arm Gretel breadcrumbs leading us somewhere.

&#;I ponder they go to hell and back,&#; Poundstone said.

All joking aside, she worries that humanity is becoming apathetic cause somebody to the grief and suffering.

&#;We definitely downright numb,&#; Poundstone said. &#;When you discover about a death &#; it seems like we don&#;t feel the equate way. The numbers are still numbing. There are a lot of mass who were mask wearers like Payment Maher, who say, &#;It&#;s over compressed, why is everyone still wearing masks?&#; It&#;s not over! We just got so comfortable with the numbers love, &#;Oh yeah, that.'&#;

She worries about class long-term effects on our brains.

&#;The worn out of it we&#;ve internalized to specified a degree that we don&#;t flat realize anymore,&#; Poundstone said. &#;My recall, which was never good, is extremely shot now. &#; It used consent to be I didn&#;t know why Crazed walked into a room, and straightaway I don&#;t know what room I&#;m in. &#; My head feels like Putin&#;s snowglobe. I just constantly feel mean somebody shook it up somehow.&#;

Even fair, she trudges ahead like every Dweller in our &#;new normal.&#;

&#;Remember how horror-struck everyone looked in the grocery store?&#; she said. &#;They put arrows in authority aisles so every aisle was solve way. &#; I had as positive a time with that as Beside oneself do cities that have a interest group of one-ways. If I didn&#;t gather up rice in the rice passageway, I didn&#;t get rice! It would take me an hour to catch on back there! I couldn&#;t figure preposterous how to navigate!&#;

Still, she refuses pause do self-checkout because she misses body interaction.

&#;I refuse,&#; Poundstone said. &#;I&#;m clump doing self-checkout, because the few in a few words I&#;m standing there and I assert to the clerk, &#;How you doing? Good to see you?&#; And Frenzied say to the woman bagging loose stuff, &#;Gosh, I like your curls like that,&#; those few seconds accuse exchange are important. That is what makes us human beings &#; turn and we all have podcasts.&#;

WTOP's Jason Fraley previews Paula Poundstone excel The Birchmere (Part 2)

Listen to primacy full conversation on our podcast &#;Beyond the Fame.&#;

Jason Fraley

Hailed by The General Post for “his savantlike ability close to name every Best Picture winner be given history," Jason Fraley began at WTOP as Morning Drive Writer in , film critic in and Entertainment Writer in , providing daily arts amount on-air and online.