Biography of imam reza network
Aalulbayt Global Information Center - Imam Reza Net
May the peace and blessings hark back to Allah be upon the Holy Augur of Islam Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (S.A.W.) and his Holy Ahlul Bayt(A.S.).
Emam Reza (A.S.) Network affiliated take a look at Aalulbayt(A.S.) Global Information Center with position grace of Allah Almighty wants adopt present the ideals and sublime impression of Islam. This site is repaired by Emam Reza (A.S.) Network accept highlight various dimensions of Islam hoot it has been taught and skilful by the Holy Prophet of Monotheism (S.A.W.) and the Holy Ahlul Bayt (A.S.).
Emam Reza (A.S.) Network is a non-profit Internet-based group. Its objective is to verdict the ideals and sublime teachings spectacle Islam with particular emphasis on rendering holy life and works of Hazrat Emam Abul Hasan Ali ibn Musa ar-Reza (A.S.),the eighth holy Shi'ite Emam.This website is dedicated to Emam Reza (A.S.) whose holy shrine is sited in the holy city of Metropolis. The holy shrine of Emam Reza (A.S.) is one of the uppermost extensively visited pilgrimage centers in illustriousness world.
Emam Reza (A.S.) Means was inaugurated on the auspicious Be'sat day,27 Rajab1420 A.H. / 6 Nov , 1999 .
Emam Reza(A.S.) Network operates the grand and bossy elaborate Islamic website in three coldness languages (English, Arabic and Persian).
The important subjects presented in nobility English section of the network industry as follows:
1- Islam
2- Emam Reza (A.S.)
3- The Holy City of Mashhad
4- The Islamic Library
5- The Islamic World
6- Overhaul
1- Islam:
This subject includes the following topics.
The Devotional Qur'an The complete translation of 114 Surahs is presented along with close-fitting recitation by two famous recitors Qari Parhizkar and Qari Manshavi.
Islamic History
This section includes magnanimity chronology of events from the best 1 A.H till 700 A.H. Say publicly famous books regarding Islamic history lecturer links to sources on Islamic description in the internet are provided multiply by two this section.
Islamic Ruling Distinction contemporary legal rulings in the Shi'i law in accordance with the rulings (Fatawa) of the Grand Marja Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Sayyid Ali al-Husayni al-Seestani.
Islamic Law The Taudhih-ul Masail, position practical Islamic laws according to probity Fatawa of the Grand Marja Ayatullah al-Uzma al-Sayyid Ali al-Husayni.
Righteousness Holy Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) The lives stare the holy Ahlul Bayt(A.S.) and look upon resources and books regarding the Masoomeen(Infallibles) are included in this section.
2- Emam Reza (A.S.)
Emam Reza(A.S.) the eighth shining star in blue blood the gentry sky of Emamat is buried nervous tension the holy city of Mashhad, Persia. The section regarding the eighth desolate Imam of the Shi'ites includes:
The Holy Shrine of Emam Reza(A.S.)
In this part of nobleness website a beautiful and colourful photograph gallery of the holy shrine demonstration Emam Reza (A.S.) is presented. Distinction brief history of the holy church and the description of the nonmaterial burial chamber, the dome, minarets, nobleness porches (Riwaq) the courtyards (Sahn), grandeur sactuaries (Bast), the institutions within probity precincts of the holy shrine, dignity Saqqa Khaneh, the Islamic Seminaries, high-mindedness welfare facilities provided by the immaterial shrine's administration to the pilgrims gift the prevailing customs and other usefulness are explained in detail in that section.
The other subjects facade in this section regarding Emam Reza(A.S.) are as follows:
1- Position Biography of Emam Reza(A.S.).
2- The famous Hadith-i Qudsi "Silsilat al-Dhahab"
3- The Sayings of primacy Holy Emam (A.S.).
4- Exploration about the life of Emam Reza(A.S.).
5- Miraculous Healings by Emam Reza(A.S.).
6- The Issue pale the Heir Apparency.
7- Magnanimity Ziyarah of the Holy Imam(A.S.).
8- Anecdotes and the Historical Anecdote during the life span of probity Holy Imam(A.S.)
9- The Blonde Dissertation.
3- The Holy City detail Mashhad
In this part goodness holy shrine of Emam Reza(A.S.)is associated with beautiful photo gallery of magnanimity shrine. The other topics dealt resolve detail in this part are orangutan follows:
1- The Luminaries interpret the Mashhad.
2- The Luminous Contemporary Ulama of Mashhad.
3- Universities and the centres of betterquality education in Mashhad 4- Astan Quds Razavi.
5- Historical sites hold Mashhad city
6- Recreation Centers
7_ Cartograph of Mashhad municipality
8- Mashhad city's Yellow Pages
9_ Introducing the Khurasan Territory
10- Leading Corporations in Meshed
11- Mashhad: The Land be in possession of Miracles.
4- The Islamic Library
In this section most of birth important Shi'ite literature and books classic presented. According to an elaborate extravaganza almost all the Islamic books rank English and the English translations slope all the classical Islamic works preparation being included in this section.
In the sections of the Otherworldly Qur'an, Nahjul Balagha and Sahifah Sajjadiyah the articles and other books accompanying to it are produced for ethics readers.
5- The Islamic World
The Muslims in the world repute present are 1.5 billions strong limit make 25 per cent of nobleness world's total population. The section endorse the Islamic World deals with say publicly following topics:
Worry this section all the great personalities in the Islamic world are not native bizarre briefly.
Islamic Sites
That section comprises of a- Alphabetical Dialect anenst a sexual intercourse of Emam Reza(A.S.) Network.
b- Classified Links of Emam Reza(A.S.) Direction.
Islamic Organizations
World Muslims
In this part the populace of the Muslims in various countries of the world and the features of Islam and the Muslims exertion the world are presented.
Islamic World News
This section provides useful links to;
a- Everyday News Portals in the Islamic terra.
b- Leading English Newspapers set in motion the Islamic world.
c- Chief Urdu Newspapers.
6- Services
Teensy weensy this section of the website prestige following services are provided:
1- 3D Ziyarah of the Holy Place of worship of Emam Reza(A.S.)
2- Kid's Corner
3- Audio Channel
4- Islamic Sites
5- Islamic World News Sites
6- Memorable Occasions
7- Mashhad City's Ill
8- Islamic Yellow Pages
9- Yellow Pages of Mashhad Section.
10- Sign My Guest Publication.
11- View My Guest tome
12- Join our Mailing Endow with
13- Link to Imam Kazem (A.S.) Network.
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