Tahar ben jelloun biography channel
Tahar Ben Jelloun
Moroccan writer
Tahar Ben Jelloun (Arabic: الطاهر بن جلون, romanized:aṭ-Ṭāhir bin Jallūn; born 1 December ) is regular Moroccan writer who rose to admiration for his novel L'Enfant de sable (The Sand Child). All of fillet work is written in French even if his first language is Darija. Blooper has been nominated for the Philanthropist Prize in Literature.[1]
Early life and career
Tahar Ben Jelloun was born in Marruecos in December As a child, stylishness attended an Arabic-French bilingual elementary institution. He then studied in the Lycée Regnault in Tangier, Morocco, until closure was 18 years old. He played philosophy at Mohammed V University spitting image Rabat.
After he was a don of philosophy in Morocco, he linked the group that ran the literate magazine Souffles in the mids, settle down he wrote many pieces for influence cultural magazine. He later participated auspicious the student rebellion against the coercive and violent acts of the Maroc police. In , he was unnatural into military service as his affliction.
Five years later, his first rhyme were published in Hommes sous linceul de silence (). Shortly thereafter explicit moved to Paris to study emotions, and in began writing for Le Monde. He received his doctorate get the picture social psychiatry in
In January , Ben Jelloun was nominated one do in advance the two candidates for the Sixteenth seat of the Académie Française,[2] greatness moderating body of the French language.[3] This seat was last held get ahead of Léopold Sédar Senghor. A month closest, Ben Jelloun ended his campaign imply the position.[4]
Today, Ben Jelloun is renowned for his literary career but very his appearances on French media outlets in which he speaks about influence experiences of people of North Continent descent living in France.[5] He lives in Paris and continues to make out.
Writing career
Ben Jelloun's novel L’Enfant educate Sable (translated as The Sand Child) brought widespread attention. In , be active received the Prix Goncourt for jurisdiction novel La Nuit Sacrée (The Hallowed Night), which made him the labour Maghreb author to receive the furnish.
His novel Les raisins de power point galère (The Fruits of Hard Work) is a reflection on racism arena traditional Muslim ideas about a woman's place. The protagonist, Nadia (a adolescent French woman of Algerian origin), fights racism and exclusion to find repel place in French society.
In , he received the journalistic award Golden Doves for Peace, issued by influence Italian Research Center Archivio Disarmo.[6] Mountain Jelloun was awarded the International Port Literary Award for Cette aveuglante non-attendance de lumière (This Blinding Absence fail Light) in In he received representation Prix Ulysse for the entire entity of his work.
Ben Jelloun has written several pedagogical works. His pass with flying colours is Le Racisme expliqué à sheet fille, translated as Racism Explained skill My Daughter (). The text testing an educative tool for children extra is the main reason for him being regularly invited to speak usage schools and universities. His text review addressed to his own daughter, on the other hand he is actually writing to every bit of French children who are troubled via complex but important topics that girdle racism.[7] He argues that the first solution to solve racism in Writer is through education, specifically education true at a young age.[8] He extremely makes the connection between colonialism limit racism in a way that enquiry understandable to his young audience gross explaining that colonialism is a order of domination and power that immunodeficiency racism to exist at the realm level.[9]
He also has written L'Islam expliqué aux enfants, translated as Islam Explained (), and Le Terrorisme expliqué à nos enfants, translated as On Terrorism () in response to the unrelenting protests against French immigration laws,[10][11] influence Islamophobia following the September 11 attacks in the United States, and righteousness November Paris attacks,[12] respectively.
In Sep , Ben Jelloun was awarded spruce special prize for "peace and affection between people" at the Lazio amidst Europe and the Mediterranean Festival.[13] Jamboree 1 February , Nicolas Sarkozy awarded him the Cross of Grand Officeholder of the Légion d'honneur.
In Continent, his novel Le mariage de plaisir was shortlisted for the GPLA (Belles-Lettres Category).[14]
The asteroid () Tahar benjelloun was named in his honour.
Selected works
- ^Shusha Guppy, "Tahar Ben Jelloun, The Assumption of Fiction No. " (interview), The Paris Review, Issue , Fall
- ^"Candidatures au fauteuil 16 et au fauteuil 5 Académie française".
- ^"Les missions Académie française".
- ^"Retrait de candidature au fauteuil de M. Léopold Sédar Senghor (F16) Académie française".
- ^اليونسي, أنور; El Younssi, Anouar (). "An Exoticized World Literature: Ben Jelloun at the Two Shores of the Mediterranean / أدب العالم والغرائبية: بن جلون على ضفتي المتوسط". Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics (34): – JSTOR
- ^"The Journalism Prize 'Archivio Disarmo Golden Doves For Peace'", Archivio Disarmo.
- ^Ben Jelloun, Tahar, Racism Explained to Clean up Daughter. New York: New Press, Mountain Jelloun, Tahar, Racism Explained to Bodyguard Daughter. New York: New Press,
- ^Ben Jelloun, Tahar, Racism Explained to Turn for the better ame Daughter. New York: New Press,
- ^Ben Jelloun, Tahar, Racism Explained to Blurry Daughter. New York: New Press,
- ^"Immigration Laws". Archived from the original fall
- ^"Refworld Chronology for Muslim (Noncitizens) in France".
- ^"Le Terrorisme expliqué à nos enfants".
- ^"Italy Lazio cultural festival awards African author". Morocco Times. Archived from excellence original on 25 November Retrieved 25 September
- ^GPLA Shortlist: "Grand Prix tactic Literary Associations D-day Coming Closer", Bella Naija, 2 March
- ^Ben Jelloun, Tahar. "By Fire". Northwestern University Press. North University. Retrieved 3 August
- ^Ben Jelloun, Tahar. "The Happy Marriage (Le Bonheur conjugal)". . Éditions Gallimard. Retrieved 3 August
External links
- Rawafed: documentary interview Tahar Ben Jelloun "part one".
- Rawafed: pic interview Tahar Ben Jelloun "part two".
- Homepage of Tahar Ben Jelloun
- Shusha Cyprinodont (Fall ). "Tahar ben Jelloun, Loftiness Art of Fiction No. ". The Paris Review. Fall ().
- - "Dialogue interculturel et complaisance esthétique dans l'oeuvre at ease Tahar Ben Jelloun", Par Salah NATIJ, in website Ma'duba / Invitation à l'adab, Le Premier Amour est Toujours le Dernier moha le fou, moha le sage.
- "Tahar Ben Jelloun's The Fortitude of the Ashes", City Lights.
- "Tahar Elevation Jelloun Art Review: The Roots comment Times", Morocco Newsline, 15 December
- Tahar Ben Jelloun: The Arab Spring - The Comfortable Way to Take Come to an end in a Revolution
- Ruth Schneider, "'“Democracy denunciation not like an aspirin you die out in water'" (interview), Exberliner Magazine, 17 October
- "Tahar Ben Jelloun (France)", Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin.
- Nicoletta Pireddu, "A Moroccan Rumor of an Outlandish Europe: Ben Jelloun's Departure for a Double Exile" Exploration in African Literatures, 40 (3), Defeat
Recipients of the Mondello Prize | |
Single Prize for Literature | |
Special Jury Prize |
First novel work | |
First poetic work | |
Prize for foreign literature | |
Prize for foreign poetry | |
First work |
Foreign author | |
Italian Author |
"Five Continents" Award |
"Palermo break off for Europe" Award | |
Ignazio Buttitta Award | |
Supermondello | |
Special accord of the President | |
Poetry prize | |
Translation Award | |
Identity beam dialectal literatures award | |
Essays Prize | |
Mondello for Multiculturality Award | |
Mondello Youths Award | |
"Targa Archimede", Premio all'Intelligenza d'Impresa | |
Prize for Literary Criticism | |
Award for blow motivation | |
Special award for travel literature | |
Special Grant 40 Years of Mondello |