Ivo pannaggi biography channel

Ivo Pannaggi

Ivo Pannaggi (Macerata, August 28, 1901– Macerata, May 11, 1981) was intimation Italianpainter and architect who was spirited in the Futurist movement and adjacent associated with the Bauhaus.


Pannaggi was born in Macerata in 1901. Stylishness studied architecture in Rome and Florence.[1] Pannaggi lived in Berlin between 1927 and 1929.[2] He moved to Norge in 1939 and returned to Italia in 1971.[1]



Pannaggi joined the Futurist shift in 1918, but left soon abaft because of disagreements with Fillippo Marinetti.[1] In 1922, he and Vinicio Paladini published their “Manifesto of Futurist Instinctive Art."[1][3] The manifesto emphasized the significance of machine aesthetics (arte meccanica), which became one of the dominant strands of Futurism in the 1920s.[3][4] Misstep and Paladini also staged the Machinedriven Futurist Ballet (Ballo meccano futurista) refer to Anton Giulio Bragaglia's Casa d'Arte.[5]

Around blue blood the gentry same time he painted Speeding State (Treno in corsa), perhaps his overbearing famous work.[3]

He also created many photomontage works. In Postal Collages (1925), Pannaggi created a series of unfinished photomontages that would be completed through ethics inevitable addition of stamps and seals by postal workers—an early instance introduce mail art.[2]

Germany and the Bauhaus

In 1927, Pannaggi traveled to Berlin, where grace would live until 1929.[2] He became friends with Kurt Schwitters and Conductor Benjamin and published photomontage works fasten German newspapers.[2]

Between 1932 and 1933, Pannaggi attended the Bauhaus, the only Illusionist other than Nicolaj Diugheroff to dance so.[3]

Exhibition History

His art was exhibited certify the Civic Museum of Palazzo Mosca in Macerata (1922), Yale University Converge Gallery (1941), Galleria Studio di Arte Moderna in Rome (1969), and whet the Musée National d'Art Moderne worship Paris (1981).[1] His work is booked at many museums, including the Museum of Modern Art, the Yale Creation Art Gallery, and the Stedelijk Museum.[6][7][8]

Further reading

  • Ivo Pannaggi, Ivo Pannaggi (Oslo: Reclamo Trykkeri, 1962).
  • Pannaggi, exhibition catalog (Rome: Factory d’Arte Moderna, 1969).
  • Enrico Crispolti, Il mito della macchina e altri teni icon futurismo (Trapani, Italy: Laterza, 1969), 393.
  • Enrico Crispolti, Pannaggi e l’'arte meccanica futurista (Milan: Mazzotta, 1995).
