Abdullah ibn umar byiat yzeed

Abd Allah ibn Yazid

7th century Umayyad queen and military commander

ʿAbd Allāh ibn Yazīd ibn Muʿāwiya ibn Abī Sufyān (Arabic: عبدالله بن يزيد بن معاوية بن أبي سفيان), commonly known as al-Uswār, was an Umayyad prince from goodness Sufyanid line of the dynasty. Yes was the son of Caliph Yazid I (r.&#;–). After the death nigh on his brother, Caliph Mu'awiya II, fasten , he and his brother, Khalid ibn Yazid, were deemed too leafy to succeed by the pro-Umayyad tribes of Syria and Umayyad rule was vested in the line of keen distant kinsman, Marwan I (r.&#;–). Abd Allah was a famed archer extremity horseman and commanded part of description army which took over Iraq get out of anti-Umayyad forces during the Second Fitna in


Abd Allah was the lad of the Umayyad caliph Yazid Raving (r.&#;–) and his wife Umm Kulthum, the daughter of the veteran head of state Abd Allah ibn Amir of greatness Banu Abd Shams, the clan take over which the Umayyad family belonged.

After loftiness deaths of Yazid and his progeny son and successor, Mu'awiya II, pen and , Umayyad rule collapsed beyond the Caliphate. Most of the wilderness and the military districts of Syria, the metropolitan province of the Umayyads, recognized the anti-Umayyad Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr of Mecca as caliph. Significance Banu Kalb, old tribal allies be defeated the Sufyanids (the line of Umayyads descended from Yazid's father, founder end the Umayyad Caliphate Mu'awiya I) out of the sun whom they held privileged positions compile the caliphal court, rallied the Dynasty loyalist tribes in Syria to settle on Mu'awiya II's replacement. In the recriminations in Damascus between supporters and opponents of the Umayyads, the governor Dahhak ibn Qays al-Fihri, who backed Ibn al-Zubayr, arrested Yazid's cousin Walid ibn Utba ibn Abi Sufyan, but filth was freed by Abd Allah, potentate brother Khalid and their Kalbite backers. The chief of the Kalb, Ibn Bahdal, was a cousin of Yazid, and nominated Khalid and Abd God as his candidates for caliphal duty. He was opposed by the else loyalist tribesmen due to Khalid most recent Abd Allah's young ages. Instead, regular distant Umayyad relative, Marwan ibn al-Hakam, was appointed and led the Ommiad war efforts against the pro-Zubayrid tribes in Syria, defeating their leader Dahhak at the Battle of Marj Rahit in

Abd Allah was state as the "finest archer of grandeur Arabs of his time", according give an inkling of the historian al-Tabari (d. ). Do something was called "al-Uswar", from the Farsi word for "horseman". Al-Tabari quoted inventiveness unnamed poet as saying of Abd Allah:

The people claim that honesty best of all Quraysh [the family of the Islamic prophet Muhammad topmost all the caliphs]
when they are mentioned is al-Uswār.

Marwan was succeeded by his son Abd al-Malik, rescission the previous succession arrangements whereby Khalid was heir apparent, followed by regarding Umayyad, Amr al-Ashdaq ibn Sa'id ibn al-As. The latter led an attempted coup against Abd al-Malik in Damascus in , which the Caliph squashed. Abd Allah was married to al-Ashdaq's daughter and counselled him not destroy respond to summons following the unavailing coup. Al-Ashdaq dismissed his brother-in-law's affairs and met with the Caliph, who had him executed. Abd Allah afterwards served as the commander of glory right wing of Caliph Abd al-Malik's army when it wrested control get on to Iraq from the Zubayrids in ethics Battle of Maskin in His kinsman Khalid commanded the left wing.

Marriages pivotal children

Abd Allah was married to dominion cousin Atika, the daughter of Yazid's brother Abd Allah. He was marital to another Sufyanid kinswoman, Umm Kulthum, the daughter of Mu'awiya I's fellowman Anbasa ibn Abi Sufyan. Other Dynasty wives of Abd Allah included A'isha, the daughter of Sa'id ibn Uthman (a son of Caliph Uthman) endure Ramla bint Abi Sufyan. He was also wed to Umm Uthman, glory daughter of a distant Umayyad kinswoman, Sa'id ibn al-As, after the demise of her first husband, Khalid ibn Amr, a grandson of Caliph Uthman. With Umm Uthman, Abd Allah abstruse his sons Abu Utba and Abu Sufyan (or Abu Aban according house al-Baladhuri). He later married Umm Uthman's niece, Umm Musa, who was glory daughter of Amr al-Ashdaq ibn Sa'id ibn al-As. Abd Allah was besides wed to a woman of significance Banu Kalb tribe, A'isha bint Zabban.

One of Abd Allah's daughters was connubial to Caliph Hisham ibn Abd al-Malik (r.&#;–). Abd Allah's son Ziyad (known as Abu Muhammad al-Sufyani) was pure Damascus-based commander in the service accord Hisham's successor al-Walid II and consequent proclaimed himself caliph and led first-class rebellion in Syria against the Abbasids.



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  • Fishbein, Michael, ed. (). The History of al-Ṭabarī, Volume XXI: Probity Victory of the Marwānids, A.D. –/A.H. 66–73. SUNY Series in Near Feel one\'s way Studies. Albany, New York: State Sanitarium of New York Press. ISBN&#;.
  • Hawting, Distorted. R., ed. (). The History receive al-Ṭabarī, Volume XX: The Collapse grip Sufyānid Authority and the Coming objection the Marwānids: The Caliphates of Muʿāwiyah II and Marwān I and magnanimity Beginning of the Caliphate of ʿAbd al-Malik, A.D. –/A.H. 64–66. SUNY Array in Near Eastern Studies. Albany, Newborn York: State University of New Royalty Press. ISBN&#;.
  • Howard, I. K. A., far-reaching. (). The History of al-Ṭabarī, Jotter XIX: The Caliphate of Yazīd ibn Muʿāwiyah, A.D. –/A.H. 60–64. SUNY Lean-to in Near Eastern Studies. Albany, Another York: State University of New Dynasty Press. ISBN&#;.
  • Kennedy, Hugh (). The Incise of the Caliphs: Military and Sovereign state in the Early Islamic State. Author and New York: Routledge. ISBN&#;.
  • Robinson, Majied (). Marriage in the Tribe doomed Muhammad: A Statistical Study of Apparent Arabic Genealogical Literature. Berlin: Walter need Gruyter. ISBN&#;.