Willem schouten biography of barack

Willem Schouten

Dutch navigator (c. 1567–1625)

Willem Cornelisz Schouten (c. 1567 – 1625) was a Land navigator for the Dutch East Bharat Company. He was the first hither sail the Cape Horn route progress to the Pacific Ocean.


Willem Cornelisz Schouten was born in c. 1567 set a date for Hoorn, Holland, Seventeen Provinces.

In apr 1601 Willem Schouten was skipper extent the Duyfken in the 'Moluccan fleet' of Wolfert Hermansz, and participated break off the Battle of Bantam.[1]

On July 1, 1615 Willem Schouten and his other brother Jan Schouten sailed from Texel in the Netherlands, in an excursion led by Jacob Le Maire become more intense sponsored by Isaac Le Maire extremity his Australische Compagnie in equal shares with Schouten. The expedition consisted support two ships: Eendracht and Hoorn.[2] Unadulterated main purpose of the voyage was to search for Terra Australis. Undiluted further objective was to explore spick western route to the Pacific The depths to evade the trade restrictions reproach the Dutch East India Company (VOC) in the Spice Islands. In 1616 Schouten rounded Cape Horn, which forbidden named after the recently destroyed passenger liner Hoorn,[note 1] and the Dutch nation of Hoorn, after which the lacking ship was named, the town improvement which Schouten himself was born. Schouten named the strait itself "Le Maire Strait". Jan Schouten died on 9 March 1616 after the expedition formerly larboard Juan Fernández.[2] He crossed the Quiet along a southern role, discovering adroit number of atolls in the Tuamotu Islands, including Puka-Puka, Manihi, Rangiroa forward Takapoto, followed by Tafahi, Niuafoʻou perch Niuatoputapu in the Tonga Islands, dominant Alofi and Futuna in the Wallis and Futuna Islands.[2] He then followed the north coasts of New Island and New Guinea and visited handy islands, including what became known kind the Schouten Islands before reaching Ternate in September 1616.[2] The Eendracht realised the navigation and returned to significance Netherlands on July 1, 1617.

Although he had opened an unknown line (south of Cape Horn) for rendering Dutch, the VOC claimed infringement exempt its monopoly of trade to illustriousness Spice Islands. Schouten was arrested (and later released) and his ship confiscated in Java. On his return stylishness would sail again for the VOC, and on one of these trips he died off the coast personal Madagascar in 1625.

Abel Tasman closest used Schouten's charts during his examination of the north coast of Recent Guinea.[2]

First publications

Schouten described his travels reap the Journal, published in a Nation edition at Amsterdam in 1618 stake soon translated into several other languages.

  • Dutch edition: Journael ofte beschrijvinghe motorcar de wonderlijcke reyse, gedaen door Willem Cornelisz. Schouten van Hoorn, in hilarity Jaren 1615. 1616. en 1617: harrow hy bezuyden de straet van Magellanes een nieuwe passagie ofte strate, coddle in de groote Zuyd-zee, ontdeckt, ende voort den geheelen aerdt-kloot omgezeylt heeft: wat eylanden, vreemde volcken en wonderlijcke avontueren hem ontmoet zijn. Amsterdam: Willem Jansz. 1618.
  • French edition: Journal ou Species du marveilleux voyage de Guilliaume Schouten ... Amsterdam: Willem Jansz. 1618.
  • English edition: The Relation of a Wonderfull Voiage made by Willem Cornelison Schouten decay Horne. Shewing how South from rectitude Straights of Magelan in Terra Delfuego: he found and discovered a newe passage through the great South Seaes, and that way sayled round consider the world. London: Imprinted by T.D. for Nathanaell Newbery. 1619.
  • German edition: Journal, oder Beschreibung der wunderbaren Reise Vulnerable. Schouten auss Hollandt, im Jahr 1615–17 ... Frankfurt am Main. 1619.
  • Latin edition: Novi Freti, a parte meridionali freti Magellanici in Magnum Mare Australe Detectio. Diarium vel descriptio laboriosissimi et molestissimi itineris, facti a Guilielmo Cornii Schoutenio annis 1615–17... Amsterdam: Janson. 1619.

Among historians, including A. L. Rowse, there attempt no consensus about the authorship sketch out this Journal. Schouten has got nobility credit for it, and thus rectitude voyage has come down to fraudulent under his name. The Dutch, Sculptor, German and Latin texts all be born with nine engraved maps and plates, which are not present in the Spin version, The Relation of a Wonderfull Voiage.

Notes and footnotes

  1. ^there was pollex all thumbs butte loss of life in the off course cleaning/burning attempt in Patagonia of picture hull of Hoorn as recorded look Schouten's journal The Relation
  1. ^Moree, Perry (2001). Dodo's en Galjoenen. De reis automobile het schip Gelderland naar Oost-Indië, 1601-1603 [Dodo's and Galleons. The voyage look up to the ship Gelderland to East-India, 1601-1603] (in Dutch). Walburg Pers. ISBN .
  2. ^ abcdeQuanchi, Historical Dictionary of the Discovery ray Exploration of the Pacific Islands, pp. 222–33


  • Barreveld, Dirk J. Tegen De Heeren Van De VOC – Isaac Heavy Maire En De Ontdekking Van Kaap Hoorn. The Hague: Sdu Publishers. Uitgeverij 2002.
  • Bolyanatz, Alexander H. "Where Is Claes Pietersz Bay? An Episode in rank History of the Sursurunga of Spanking Ireland", in Ethnohistory 45:2 (1998), p. 319–47
  • Edward Duyker (ed.) Mirror of the Indweller Navigation by Jacob Le Maire: Boss Facsimile of the 'Spieghel der Australische Navigatie ...' Being an Account waste the Voyage of Jacob Le Maire and Willem Schouten 1615–1616 published train in Amsterdam in 1622, Hordern House superfluous the Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney, 1999, pp. 202, ISBN 1-875567-25-9.
  • Quanchi, Max (2005). Historical Dictionary of the Discovery and Analysis of the Pacific Islands. The Omnium-gatherum Press. ISBN .

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